
On-Demand Recruiting & Its Benefits

Published on November 18, 2022
Written by Chandrasekhar Pingali

What is on-demand recruiting and how can businesses benefit from it?

Regardless of the industry one operates in, every business is bound to undergo fluctuations in hiring. With the impact of the pandemic subsiding and life returning to its normal pace, you may find your internal resources stretched out. In such a time, leveraging on-demand talent could help improve hiring outcomes for the short term.

However, to benefit from this HR solution, knowing about it and how one can use it to advantage is crucial. So, without further ado, let’s dive deeper into -what on-demand recruiting is and how companies can use it to their advantage.

On-Demand Recruiting in a nutshell

On-demand recruiting is a hiring service providing talent on an hourly or per-project basis to meet a firm’s existing talent requirements. The talent resource can either work on-site or remotely based on the job requirement without the need for a long-term contract or a traditional fee structure.

Essentially, the on-demand recruitment model is driven by need or demand. This process is especially beneficial when businesses go through spikes in hiring or face short staffing issues. The on-demand hiring process lets the HR team and business owners reach their goals of acquiring talent without hampering productivity or time.

The most successful on-demand hiring models are designed to be flexible and can be customized as per varying needs and requirements— benefitting both the company adopting the model and the service provider.

What makes on-demand recruitment effective?

The existence of marketplaces and developments in the digital work environment has enabled businesses to meet the immediate demand of customers by providing goods and services faster than ever, making the need for agile business and talent solutions more pronounced.

As more businesses look for immediate staffing solutions for permanent or short-term assignments, the HR team looks for cost-effective, scalable, and quick solutions to address the business’s talent needs. This has in fact, triggered an entire industry of on-demand-centric companies seeking to connect employers to an otherwise hidden talent pool. This industry not only has the ability to satiate the on-time demand of businesses but helps independent experts find suitable work opportunities. A true win-win situation for all!

Components of the on-demand recruitment process

On-demand recruitment services improve the speed and flexibility of hiring and offer better access to talent pools specific to an industry. Some companies consider leasing a recruitment team to power their in-house talent acquisition ability.

The process typically includes these steps:

  • A quick meeting to discuss the recruitment challenges.
  • Assigning a team of on-demand recruiters to source, find, and hire the required talent pool.
  • Engaging the hiring team for a few weeks or months, depending on the hiring requirements on the contract.

This team works closely with existing HR managers during the tenure.
On-demand recruiters help scale up or down the talent pool per business and bring cutting-edge tech and processes to the recruiting program.

When to opt for on-demand recruitment for your business

Businesses of all sizes and operating in different industries can benefit from the flexibility, speed, and scalability of on-demand recruitment.

The best time to reach out to a provider of on-demand recruitment service is when you face any of these HR management challenges:

  • Going through a rapid hiring spurt, swamping the internal recruitment team
  • An unexpected surge in talent turnover that requires backfilling roles
  • Inconsistent and unpredictable hiring needs
  • The need to source talent to fill positions with qualified talent

Besides these, if your firm needs a full-cycle hiring outsourcing solution, then on-demand recruitment could be suitable for you. The process is adept at offering a limited-time pilot program with minimal risk to assess whether outsourcing talent acquisition will help meet your hiring requirements.

Key benefits of on-demand recruitment strategy

On-demand, recruitment proves beneficial for businesses regardless of their size or scale. These are among the top benefits of the recruitment process for businesses:

  • Greater cost flexibility

    One of the top benefits of on-demand recruitment is that it lets businesses calibrate the costs they incur. Businesses pay as per their requirements and choose as per their budget, ensuring they do not over-stretch themselves financially.

  • Offers greater flexibility

    Hiring managers must comply with several laws when hiring a full-time employee, limiting the scope of flexibility in the process. On the other hand, on-demand recruitment offers greater flexibility as recruiters join the team as needed and let them retain or cut off the on-demand workforce as deemed necessary.

  • Enhances resilience during disruption

    On-demand recruiting helps meet unpredictable obstacles in the employment market. This offers a level of comfort by allowing businesses to adjust their recruiting efforts as and when required without stretching out available resources.


Why appoint a professional on-demand recruitment service provider?

Qualified on-demand recruiting service providers understand the need of niche industries, allowing them to customize hiring strategies accordingly.

Typically, in a highly competitive industry, on-demand recruitment comes in
handy for:

  • Hiring a specific job role
  • Extending candidate sourcing and recruitment support
  • Keeping candidate hunting confidential
  • Supporting in-house recruiting team
  • Keeping talent acquisition costs low

Needless to say, on-demand recruiting is a differentiating factor that sets a business apart from its contemporaries. Additionally, the recruitment process helps companies to grow exponentially – a good reason for entrepreneurs to leverage the on-demand recruitment strategy to scale their workforce per requirement without loss of time and speed.

For a hassle-free recruiting experience, pick a professional and qualified talent solution provider, with the ability to blend expertise with technology for quality, uninterrupted talent supply, speed, and scale. SolveCube’s Recruiter On Demand service is a disruptive solution that can instantly provide dedicated talent acquisition experts to your company from their verified pool of 1400+ recruiters on an AI talent marketplace platform. Their flexible hiring model (with a fixed monthly fee and small success fee) has saved their clients 50%+ of talent acquisition costs.

Further, the recruiter-on-demand has access to 480+M talent profiles across 15 domains on the SolveCube platform delivering outstanding results whether you have temporary or long-term staffing needs.

Get in touch with our team at SolveCube now to learn more.

About Author


Chandrasekhar Pingali,

Chandrasekhar Pingali, Founder, and MD of SolveCube, Singapore, is an established and well-known HR and business leader.
SolveCube is an award-winning AI talent marketplace platform for short-term, full-time contingent, permanent and integrated talent solutions.